Please note that the figures can still change slightly. However, the change in numbers will not affect the big picture much and we can just refer to the information being based on issued data by the Directorate of Fisheries retrieved on the 31st of August 2021.
Issued quotas for the fishing year 2021/2022:
Cod (Gadus morhua): 175.940 MTs
Haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus): 33.062 MTs
Saithe (Pollachius virens): 61.741 MTs
Redfish (Sebastes marinus): 27.259 MTs
Deepwater Redfish (Sebastes mentella): 7.506 MTs
Ling (Molva molva): 2.696 MTs
Blueling (Molva dypterygia) : 253 MTs
Atlantic catfish (Anarhichas lupus): 7.681 MTs
Spotted catfish (Anarhichas minor): 320 MTs
Tusk (Brosme brosme): 1.317 MTs
Silversmelt (Argentina silus): 8.754 MTs
Herring (Clupea harengus): 68.411 MTs
Greenland halibut (Reinhardtius hippoglossoides): 13.096 MTs
Prawn (Pandalus borealis): 4.855 MTs
Plaice (Pleuronectes platessa): 6.800 MTs
Lemon sole (Microstomus kitt): 1.122 MTs
Witch (Glyptocephalus cynoglossus): 893 MTs
Dab (Limanda limanda): 273 MTs
This info is from the Directorate of Fisheries’s website: News from Fiskistofa, the Directorate of Fisheries | Vefur Fiskistofu
The mackerel quota for next year’s season will not be issued until next spring.
For your information, the decision on how much quota is issued by the Ministry each fishing year is based on scientific advice from the Marine & Freshwater Research Institute (MFRI). Here below is a link onto their site in English where the institution’s advice for each species is explained (both in Icelandic and then English below). You have to click on the attached document in the advice column for each species to see their explanations and logic which they base their advice on this year’s catching on.
Advice | Marine and Freshwater Research Institute (