Iceland Seafood statement on the fire at its UK plant

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«I can confirm that at around 7pm yesterday there was a fryer fire on one of our coating lines. Firstly, and most importantly, all of our employees were safely evacuated from the building with no reported injuries. The Humberside Fire & Rescue Service attended the site and quickly extinguished the flames.

The fire was isolated and contained within a single fryer room. Damage was limited to the area around the fryer and detailed investigations are currently ongoing.

We have informed our customers of the situation but due to the containment of the fire, the incident will have minimal impact on our service.

I am proud of the professional and calm manner of the operational team on site who swiftly dealt with the incident. They demonstrated their commitment and passion for the business in the most difficult of circumstances.»

Glen Mathews
Managing Director
Iceland Seafood UK

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